With the increasing complexity of credit recovery, the Advocacia-Geral da União – AGU from Brazil spearheads an innovative initiative through the publication of a call for proposals by the Procuradoria-Geral Federal – PGF. This initiative pertains to the “Desenrola” program (Call for Adhesion to Transaction No. 1/2024) and targets debts owed to regulatory agencies, public […]
Category: Newsletter
Institutes of the new Administrative Misconduct Law are assigned by the STJ to the rite of repetitive appeals (Theme 1,284)
The new Administrative Misconduct Law (No. 14,230/2021) significantly revised the previous legal discipline. In addition to modernising the legislation, bringing it closer to the regime found in other jurisdictions, such as the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (Decree No. 5,687 of 31 January 2006), the legislator’s intention was to conciliate greater legal certainty for those […]